
Monday, January 16, 2012

Pink Poncho and PJ Pants

Oooh, I had such a nice day Sunday, plunked down in front of the TV and next to the fireplace with my knitting. I watched movies streamed on Netflix and knit away all day. I finished my pink poncho ALMOST, but ran out of yarn. I will have rip back a row or two to bind off.
 Grrrr. This yarn is Dune by Trendsetter, and is partly mohair and does NOT rip out easily. I quit trying last night to avoid ruining everything. Despite this inconvenience, the poncho is the most luxurious feeling wrap ever. I paired this with Merino Cashmere and did two rows of each, using three balls of Dune, which I got half price or $7.75 (breaking my vow not to buy anymore yarn, which lasted like 9 days, geesh.) and three balls of the merino. I sorta used this pattern.

On Saturday I sewed three pairs of pj bottoms using another pattern from my old Stretch and Sew collection...and didn't have to make a new copy, since the last weight/size I had made. yay! It is available on Ebay here.

Last time I posted a pattern found on Ebay, the seller wrote to thank me, because a blog reader bought one. There are pages and pages of old S&S patterns on that site. Amazing. I only wish I had more garment fabric in my stash. These stirrup pants were all the rage, in 1985. ha! I just eliminated the stirrups and added ribbing. Very cozy to sleep in.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    It's more tedious but you can cast off with a crochet hook by lifting the stitches over each other and then tacking down the final one. It works if you're out of yarn.

  2. 1.what Myrna said.
    2. put your knitting in the freezer for a few hours and the mohair will rip out like a dream.
    best wishes from Iceland

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Loving these very cozy items. That poncho looks so warm and snuggly, perfect for lounging. For the pants...Do you sew knits on a sewing machine or serger? It seems ribbing is not easy to find. Where do you buy good ribbing?

  4. I went and looked at the patterns from the 70's...I had a lot of them already! What fun to see "groovy" patterns again! And Disco clothes! Bell bottoms were cool. Mod...

    Oops, my age is showing.

  5. I really like your comfy PJs. Wonder how in the world you matched the ribbing to the fabric so perfectly. Did you DYE IT!?


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