
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Got Solids?

In anticipation of our Quilt Along with Melody projects for February, I thought I might encourage you to beef up your solid stash. Joann Fabrics is having a sale ONLINE or at the store, and their premium Quilter's Only solids are on sale, as well as the Kona. Both are 40% off. Can you beat that?
You decide what and how much you want...and I am sure you will want to use it for little delicious arty quilts. Woowoo!
I'm off to the dentist now.

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  1. Melody I read a lot of bad reviews on joann dot com about the kona not being the same as in quilt stores. I can believe you over all the comments, so tell me, have you used this kona and is it as good as the kona by kaufman found in the better quilt shops?

  2. Argh, you horrid enabler. My stash is somewhere between Australia and Seattle, but that's ok cos so is my sewing machine....


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