
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Cleaning out the Garage Visit

My sister, her dh and dd came for a visit, and to get the stuff we have been storing for them for the last couple of years. They now have two storage lockers so there is someplace to put their stuff, making them officially moved in!
I took advantage of Glory's growth spurt and offered her my long parka, since she walks home from school and it might get cold this winter. (Her glasses are merely decor, and glass-less).
We had 60 degrees Sunday and today it is about 20 and the pond is frozen, so not a day too soon for the coat handoff. I haven't worn it once in 4 years, so now it is out of my closet, along with two pairs of shoes I never wear.
We had a homemade chicken soup for lunch and then mom and dad went out to the potting shed, preheated by the woodstove, and they searched through the bins to see what to take home and what to abandon to us.
Glory stayed inside and Dave brought out the ukelele and his acoustic and I got a serenade while I washed the dishes.  So amazing how good they sounded. And no practice beforehand.

They went home around 1pm and Dave took a nap while I finished my socks.
Such a lovely visit and what a great time we had.

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  1. Glory has your beautiful smile! Aren't genes interesting little things though.

  2. So glad your sister is near you now. I can feel the joy it brings you.

  3. Love those socks..........great colors.. Can I have a pair????
    I quilt - can't follow knitting directions......
    Linda from Lansing........

  4. At first, I thought that was a picture of you and I thought to myself, Man, she looks great. DNA is powerful.

  5. Great pic of Dave & Glory--obviously they were having a great time.
    ~Jillian in North Dakota

  6. Does she look a lot like you? Very cute.

  7. Well, I thought "OMG!! The diet has worked SO FAST!" She's a beautiful girl Mel, you must be very proud of her.


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