
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Recent Inspirations

Image of quilt titled “For Fred” by Jo Van Patten

I spend way too much time browsing on Pinterest, but sometimes it is just the thing to get my juices flowing towards quilting or painting or cooking or decorating. Here is a lovely example of something quilted that made me gulp. It is no surprise that I love stripes and this beauty says it all for me.
Note to self: It doesn't have to be difficult or complicated to be fabulous.
This is a small piece, 18x24"-ish, but can't you see it as a larger work, like 60x80"?

Pinned ImageI am always attracted to the tilty look of Gee's Bend quilts. And the YELLOW. So happy and sunny. No fear in this work, right?
Pinned Image Paul Klee
A painting yes, but such a quilt design too. Dark and murky colors, but the layout is what gets to me. Just sew up some strips and join them to others and soon a masterpiece is made. Of course no one says you have to stay murky.

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Another painting, which would be a great quilt. Notice the turquoise which jumps out of the orange? So warm and thrilling. Another simple construction, done in chunks of solid colors.
Pinned Image Diagonal stripes! Woo. I'm jazzed.

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Best use of Kaffe Fassett striped fabric. Big sections of stripeyness, accented by HSTs. True love. Sigh.

But I am still knitting, so I will just collect inspirations until my arm gets too sore to knit for a while.


  1. Gobs of inspiration!

  2. yes..i'm in love with the Material Obsessions site - obsessed is more like it!!!!

  3. I love all of them but the first one really intrigues me the most. The wavy stripes with the bits to break it up are interesting.

  4. You are so right, many times simpler is more impactive. The first is great, looks like a corduroy I quilt I saw over at Nifty Quilts, and the last one made me gasp a little. Nothing complicated about the piecing but wa-how, way cool!

  5. WOW! I love all of these. Makes me want to pull out fabric and get to work but I sure don't have time for that right now. Merry Christmas.

  6. I always like to think of these wonderful designs in king, queen or double sizes!

    Just seen this morning, something you'll like for sure:

  7. What an inspiration of srtipiness - I've just had to pin that Kaffe Fasset!


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