
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Deborah Boschert

Branches, Buds and Blossoms: A Botanical Fabric Collage
For those of you who come here looking for fabric art, and are dismayed that I am currently all about knitting, here is a lovely diversion presented for your enjoyment.
Deb Boschert, blogger, artist, former student o'mine, has become quite the online presence since we first met about 7 years ago in New Hampshire. Since then
Deb has been a faithful blogger and I have enjoyed her life stories and her art work as she moved from Maine, to Texas and now to Maryland. Her work can be seen on her website and you can see more on Etsy
I am particularly happy to share that she is now participating in Stitched.

What is STITCHED ?! It's an online collection of 20 video workshops by 20 talented fabric artists. Students have access to all 20 workshops from January through June! Each workshop includes several video segments, pdf supplementary materials, a discussion board with the instructor and opportunity to share and interact with other students. And you can participate any time day or night any day of the week. It's a great deal at only $89! Full list of workshops and registration info is here.
Just for fun you might also want to visit her Purple and Green pinboard on Pinterest.
Hey why don't I have a pink board...hmmm.


  1. Oh, Mel...did I ever dive into that rabbit hole! I started looking at Deb's pins, which linked to links to...

    I am only now starting to see how Pinterest can suck you in. Back to it!

  2. Also, I think you should definitely have a pink board! Especially since it would not be little-girly pale pink, but closer to the CMY color wheel.


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