
Saturday, August 06, 2011

I might have to rethink the pegboard idea

Candy Glendening sent me this link to pegs that don't fall out. They are available at Ace Hardware, and I have two close by.
I do believe this set up would work for me.
Gerrie Congdon sent me this idea
Spectrum 3-Tier Wall-Mount File Holder and Magazine Rack
which led me to this idea Spectrum Diversified 37510 Black Metal Wall Mount Scroll Single Letter and Key Holderwhich is small and neat and would hold rotary cutters on the hooks. Then Teri led me back to the Command hooks which have metal ends...Command Medium Wire Hooks Pkg/2and then this3M Command HOM-13 Medium Organizer with Adhesive StripsThanks gals, I have a wealth of goodies to consider now. Perhaps I am going shopping?


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    My pressing board sits on two long boxes on top of a table. This puts the board up higher, no bent back and creates a shelf between the board and the table it is on and that is where the rotary mats slide and the big big rulers.....yah, I know a pic would help but the space would take a week to "make pretty" for a shot.

  2. If you are considering pegboard, here is a link to my blog post where I moved my studio from one room to another. My husband built me a freestanding pegboard that leans against the wall.
    I find it very handy and adaptable. I used nylon ties to attach the thread racks to the pegboard. He actually made two freestanding pegboards for me, and I love that they are not attached to anything because I tend to rearrange things a lot. Good luck with your studio. It looks wonderful.

  3. Hi Melanie,
    What about a big, flat pocket organizer? I would suggest looking at some of the ones on line like this and then laying out what you want to have in this storage on a work table and then designing and making your own custom version.
    Good luck.
    Dana Fisher

  4. Great or two I was looking for too! Good to know, thanks!

  5. I suggest looking at IKEA's kitchen storage area. They have lots of shelves and hooks and hanging buckets that you could combine into a wonderful wall system.

  6. Melody, I so appreciate how you share the tiny details with us -- from the steps of your creative process to the minutiae of massaging your space to work the best for you. It is of enormous service to me as I massage my own space -- and for when I get stuck creatively. And I love the down-to-earth way you communicate. And not coincidentally, just 2 weeks ago, I was trying to figure how how the heck to hang my batting-covered foam insulation panel Design Wall on a plaster (not drywall) wall -- And voila -- you have not only presented me with the PERFECT solution, but you have worked out all the kinks and spelled out for me how to do it! Dang, gulr, yer goood!!

  7. Jean S.2:16 PM

    Since you already have the shoe organizer hanging up, could you take off the plastic and attach baskets (wire would look nice and you can see through). Back to school sales have lots of organizing baskets available right now. You could attach the baskets with S hooks or zip ties.

  8. Hi Im new here found you on Stunble..and I must say Ive never seen more beautiful quilts in my life..the design, the color, the composition...all of it just soo soo inspiring..I am a color will notice of you see my blog or site..and you have taken that love to a new height...Im so impressed..Thanks and nice to meet you..!

  9. Not a wall storage solution... But it would replace the table you have there with a another storage table (that can easily be built) with large storage baskets under it that would hold your rulers and plenty of other stuff.


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