
Monday, August 30, 2010

Big City Fun

I am staying at the Radisson in Kalamazoo, and it is lovely. La-dee-dah-luxury. Sleep number bed, wi-fi, no cat snoring at my bedside, and a catered breakfast.
With the new Google/Gmail phone anyone free from your computer, I had a nice 30 minute chat with my sister and later with Dave, so I could be apprised of the move to her new home. Perfect timing of Google to provide this neato service. I brought the cell phone, but this is much better.
Before I got here I was the guest of Cindra in Carmel IN, a town right out of the movies, if you ask me. The town of 70,000 is just north of Indianapolis and has a very arty downtown. Cindra took me to a fabu restaurant, ZING, where we ate Tapas. See this menu.
You know I am having a blast!

The ride up was uneventful and I managed a couple of cat naps at rest stops along the way. I like to play it safe.
Today I begin a two day Lazy Dyer workshop and one of my students is unable to attend, but her fabric arrived (c/o her daughter, in another class) and so I will be dyeing her fabric for her, as I demo the techniques.
Last night we had a meet and greet which included an exhibit with wonderful cutting edge art quilts, two of which were done by fellow blogger Gerrie Congdon. I am way impressed.
On another note, very interesting things are going on over at The Empress of Dirt's blog. I suggest a visit.
OK I gotta get dressed!


  1. Sounds like you are going to have a great week!

    How timely the Empresses' blog on simplicity of life. Weren't we discussing that? Hmmmm.

  2. Rock the town, my sweet bird. xo

  3. Oh, man. I'm sure that woman is so disappointed that she can't make it but she's soooooooo lucky that she'll be getting fabric dyed by you! Very much a "bad news, good news" sitch!!!

  4. Thanks for the mention, Melody!! Hope you have a great time, back in the swim of things.

  5. Wow you did go North! Is it nice and cool in Kalamazoo? Enjoy your time there Melody.

  6. Posy Linda, it was 91F in lower Michigan Sunday and Monday, and the same is expected Tuesday ... not exactly "nice and cool" in my book. :)

  7. one or two years ago there was a TAPAS place within walking distance of the hotel in Kalamazoo. Their wild mushroom pastry puffs are one of the most delicious things I've EVER eaten. I think I went back with a bigger group each night until we had worked through the ENTIRE menu.
    Try it out!


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com