
Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's A New Day

It's a New Day
Hand dyed cottons and commercial cottons, fused, machine and hand embroidered.

Here's a tiny hint of my new life in this piece. The dot that is split in half is my transitional self moving into the golden years. Ha!
As if I could have planned that...but it is serendipity to have seen it here as I was posting.
Nothing like a new work to drag me kicking and screaming into a better mental place.

So there we are. I am back at work, and loving the new studio. I finally found a spot here where I could get non-staticky reception on my fm-stereo. So important. And I see that my next big project is finding an electrician who will come out to the boonies and get rid of my stinkin' wall sconces and install ceiling lights, perhaps track lighting and some artful ceiling fans. These Victorian puppies have got to go.
Anonymous asked about fusing silk:
I saw the quilt you posted a few days ago - the silk one. I was wondering how you stabilize or control that slippery silk when you are working with it? Does the fusible offer enough support to make it somewhat controllable?
When I use silk I fuse it first and then assemble the composition. When the top is completed I fuse the whole thing to batting. The batting stabilizes it perfectly. And I use silks that already have some heft to them. Nothing like China Silk which is too thin and would show the fusible on the front. I use shantung, dupionni and charmeuse.


  1. Gorgeous new quilt! I like the transitional motif.

    Kristin in SC

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Your ironing station - where can I find the same piece?

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    ooh. Your colours make my mouth water, seriously.

  4. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I had a feeling I would see another gorgeous quilt this morning. You do amazing work! Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Melody, I just discovered -- a great alternative to staticky radio. It's a cool site where you enter a favorite song or artist and the site (created by the Music Genome Project) builds a playlist around it with songs that are similar. Then it plays for free. Quite addictive.

  6. Ooooo... you are back at it again and this piece is SO lovely! It seems that I've been in transition so much myself that it is really nice to see that I'm not the only one!

  7. Yummy! The bright yellow against the blue is divine. Did you get the colors for this quilt from that single piece that runs across the top...or did the quilt need to have that piece added during construction?

    Also, love the little triangles across the bottom!

  8. The colours are great! So fresh and lively!

  9. Looks like you're feeling better today, Melody. We moved to a new town/state/region almost 2 years ago and it took months of endless arranging, organizing, cabinet building, wall busting, etc. before my new little 2-room studion became "home" for my joy. I'm new in the "business" of quilting but have been disabled/retired for 14 years. Quilting and fiber art is my retirement life. Even my Honey is getting into it with rust dyeing and booth building lately, haha. You're right where you should be. I walked from window to window for a year after I had to retire, wondering what I was going to do with myself...fiber art saved me.


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com