
Saturday, February 28, 2009


Look what I got in the mail yesterday. All the dyes I have listed in The Lazy Dyer. They were a gift from a lovely reader who bought them and never got a Roundtoit. I am the lucky recipient.

This is going to mean a big experiment.

Since I am planning on teaching dyeing at the Stone Light Shop I went out there and got three yards each of their PFD fabrics, and three gallons of their water.

Yes. I went to get their water.

Water makes all the difference and I want to know what their water does with these dyes. If it is too hard I will have to buy some special chemicals to alter the ph. Not just Calgon as I learned recently.

And I also picked up the rest of the stuff I will need to dye some fabric today.

All of this will be dedicated to dyeing only, nothing from my kitchen utensils. I will use the water from the shop for soaking solution, and mixing the dyes. I'll post the results.

Four different fabrics, J.Thompson bleached and unbleached (never tried this fabric before) Kona, Nature's Dyeable...none of these are mercerized which I know really makes a huge difference...but still...We'll see how these all look. I will do it scientifically, she said.

And then I got these from Tommy for updating her blog. I am still dinkin' with it, but it looks more like Tommy these days. Thanks Tommy!


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Can't wait to see the results! I still want to come to your class!

  2. Oh, this looks like fun, I'll be RIGHT OVER!

  3. Anonymous5:48 PM

    This is exciting, can't wait to see/read about the process and results.

  4. Looks like you have some fun in your future!


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com