
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dusk Til Dawn

Dusk Til Dawn
Hand Dyed and commericial silks, fused, machine quilted
21x29" $500

Three kinds of silk are used in this piece, charmeuse, shantung and dupionni.

I admit that I made this top a couple of years ago, maybe even three, but I had it rolled up with my large teflon sheet and just found it when I unrolled it. Hmm I said to myself. Why not finish this puppy today?
I kinda gave up all this fancy quilting, but silk is so seductive and reflective that I fell under its spell. It felt good to be sitting at the machine with so many luscious colors under the needle.


  1. I know you mentioned stitching at the machine but the pictures sort of make it look like really close hand stitching. My machine does a "hand stitching" stitch using clear monofilament thread...can you reveal what you did?:)

    The piece is beautiful, by the way-great to find a little treasure buried in the pile! Like a squirrel burying nuts for the winter...


  2. WOW - this piece is lively and fun. The quilting adds even more fun.

  3. Oh, Melody--this piece is beautiful and the quilting is wonderful. I just bought some silks to play with at a quilt show in Naples yesterday. They are so pretty-- i love your quilting designs here.

  4. I love the name and how it fits so well. This is wonderful!

  5. Mel,

    I'm beginning to feel like a groupie...but just have to tell you I love this piece and LOVE that blue. I like the name too and how you've chosen to represent it. Fabulous!!!!!!!!

  6. It's beautiul and so fun! Don't you just love finding forgotten treasures?

  7. This is gorgeous! Wish I could run my fingers over all those gorgeous silks. Was this all fused? As always your sense of design and color is AWESOME and as for those smashing quilting designs...WOW! Love those dots and squigglies, too:)

  8. Luscious blue, beautiful quilting, love the design, what more can I say?

  9. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Love it! What a wonderful gift on my birthday - to be able to look at this! Thanks.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Beautiful! I love the fabric and the quilting.

    P.S.Is there a reason why you sign your quilts but not your paintings?
    I bought one of your paintings and was disappointed that you did not sign it..

  11. Ursula, I sign my paintings on the edge of the canvas, not on the front.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Oh, my gosh, me too. Whenever I'm into something I'm TOTALLY into it. And when I'm out of something I'm totally out of it, too. I went through a phase of doing swaps for fabric postcards. Then it got to be too much pressure and a real drag. Now I can't even think about doing postcards. :)

    Take care and keep posting, Linda

  14. Just finished watching the Sunday Morning show. Always love the suns from artists across the country popping up on the screen between the interesting bits of news coverage/stories. Then to your blog for another potential dash of color. WOW! This is wonderful, wonderful color. (Texture, design, its all there) I feel a suntan coming on, which would be quite a feat. My husband refers to us as Mr. & Mrs Mayonnaise after decades of living in the North. Thanks for this warm/cool treat Melody.

  15. O YUM! As always you've created something amazing!

  16. Love it! Love the colors, the quilting, everything about it!

  17. Love that midnight blue silk! And of course your quilting is astounding.

  18. This is so incredibly beautiful I can't stand it!

  19. The BLUE! It is FABULOUS!!!!! I love all the quilting as well - but the BLUE! Is it a pure dye or a mix? Do you happen to remember?? (She says ducking her head...I know you dyed it a long time ago...)

    Anyway, this quilt is gorgeous!

  20. it´s really beautiful and the colours will brighten a rainy day!
    greetings from Germany,

  21. Wow! Beautiful, beautiful.

  22. Hey Melody,

    Did you do this on your machine? It's all so wonderful and inspiring!! As always, you keep inspiring us one stitch at a time!!

    My best -

  23. The perfect combination of design and quilting! Beautiful.


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com